Saturday, June 26, 2021

We Have A Decision (sort of)

When you get an email from Social Security saying they have an update for you, you open it with a little trepidation. Especially when you get the email around 11:30 on a Saturday morning. 

You take a deep breath, say a prayer and pull up the website, not sure what to think

But, then you see this...

Do you see that word in bold under the blue line? That word that says APPROVE? That's right! They made the decision to approve the application.

Huge relief!

So, what's next?

In 10-15 days, we will receive a detailed letter that explains the decision. This will tell us when the payments will start and how much they will pay each month. 

The day that payment begins is determined by the day the Social Security determines disability actually began. For Robert, was this when he checked himself into the hospital (November 30th), the last day he worked (December 20th) the day we officially filed the application (January 29th), the day Social Security began reviewing the application (February 17th), the day we saw the neuropsychologist (April 16th), the day they approved the claim (June 25th), or some other random day SSA decided on? The day is important. 

Payments will begin five months from the day it is determined that disability began. It is honestly an arbitrary decision based on what the person reviewing the application decides. The letter we receive should provide that date and the amount received each month. So we wait.

Regardless, this is a huge answer to the prayers of all of the family and friends over the last few months. While we haven't reached the end of this process, we can honestly say that we now see that light at the end of the tunnel and know that we will make it though. 

More updates to follow...