Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's Not The Worst Case Scenario, So Now What?

Did you hear that big sigh of relief earlier today? I am sure it was heard around the world. Robert and I both had huge sighs of relief when we saw the doctor for his test results. It wasn't the worst case scenarios that we were concerned about. He doesn't have leukemia or lymphoma. PRAISE GOD!

That doesn't mean he is out of the woods and nothing is wrong. He has Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. The easiest way to explain it is that his immune system is actually attacking his platelets. Obviously, this is still a huge concern because anytime the immune system is attacking the body's normal functions, there is a problem. So, we are not out of the woods, yet.

However, it is treatable. He will be given steroids to suppress the part of his immune system that is attacking his platelets. The doctor will also continue to monitor the counts to make sure they rise and that he is doing better. He will also have a CT scan tomorrow to check and see if his spleen is causing the problem. If there is an issue with his spleen, he may have to have it removed. That is an issue that will have to be addressed depending on how he responds to the steroid treatment.

All in all, though, I can live with that because it is a treatable issue. I also have to give thanks to the many friends and family that prayed for us over the last week. Those prayers gave Robert and I peace and strength to get through the week. We love and appreciate each and every one of you.

The news of the day is that we can get his platelets up and that eases the worries of increased danger of HD related injuries. Huge relief, major answer to prayers and thanks to God for taking care of us.

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